Monday, June 4, 2012

Twine Bottles

I am always interested in using things that I already have...

RN has come to the point that he does not throw anything away unless I approve :)
Bless his heart!

This project is fairly easy and a little time consuming...but the good thing is that you don't have to do it start to finish all in one time!

The inspiration for this project came from BHG, from the June 2012 magazine.

You could use any bottles you have in your recycle bin!

For this one I am using an empty wine bottle and a vinegar bottle, but I am also going to save a few beer bottles...if you don't drink, ask a friend who does ;)

Here is what I used for my project:

Remove labels (and plastic cap) on bottles before starting. 
Soak in water and it will come right off


hot glue gun+glue sticks

Start from the bottom and work your way up.

 Put a little extra glue for the first several rows, so you have a solid "base".

Then, use the glue gun every couple of rows.

Remember that you don't need to 
use A LOT of glue.
Just be strategic in using it in the right spots :)

And here it is.
Use as is,
Or add flowers...
This project says "Summer" to me, it could be a simple addition to a bookshelf or vignette, and could be use indoor or outdoor!

Cost of this project $0
Already had the material used

After all the hard work finishing this project, I indulged myself in eating this...
I call it the "Italian Reeses", my
homemade sandwich wheat bread with
peanut butter and Nutella!
Chomp, chomp...

Stay Frugal,


Crystal @ 29 Rue House said...

These turned out so nice! I love it when people inspire me to use things that I already own!

Unknown said...

Nice, they look good! I'm gonna make some of these too.

Kelly said...

That project worked out perfectly. I got that issue of BHG and like how those bottles look. You did a great job using what you already had. I love them used as a vase for flowers for the summer.

Bonnie said...

Love the look of twine on the bottles. Thanks for sharing.

Maria Elena said...

This is a beautiful project and a great idea. You are so creative! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today and taking the time to leave me a comment! I am your new follower!

Michelle {Jarrah Jungle} said...

Gotta love a freebie, I think they look really cute as vases :)

Liz @ Quirky Vistas said...

Simple, fun and I'd love having the texture mixed in with some of my glass and other things. Always good to get something new out of what I already have too. Found you at Savvy Southern Style. Stop in and see me at Quirky Vistas!

Unknown said...

Great project, love how they turned out!

Jessica @ Stay at Home-ista said...

Love these, I saw them on BHG too! I *might* have to go scrounge for Nutella now...


Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

That looks good, Daniela. I have wrapped some candles before, but not bottles. The Italian Reeses looks really yummy!

Liz @ Quirky Vistas said...

Thanks for leaving me a comment at Quirky Vistas about the painted tables, Daniela. Much appreciated!

Unknown said...

Love the rustic look. Would be great in our cabin. Love the sandwich too!

Jess_LyMi said...

Amazing! I have plenty of wine bottles I can use, I just need to go buy some twine. Happy Sunday.

New follower, Jess

Donna Wilkes said...

You must have the patience of a saint to sit and wrap twine around those bottles. Of course, it paid off big time - they are a great contrast against the jar of corks. Nutella and peanut butter - delicious - in our family we add cream cheese to it!

Distressed Donna Down Home

Misti @ Living On Cypress Hill said...

Looks great! That would be an easy thing to do while watching TV in the evenings.... when I do that, of course! ;)

Unknown said...

I love twine - so much you can do with and it's something inexpensive you can always have to hand.


Debbiedoos said...

Very cute bottles. I get on these twine kicks too and there is nothing in site I don't want to twine. Such an easy project with a great impact.

Unknown said...

Love this! I have so many wrapped vases and jars...they always make me smile! Featuring you tomorrow!

XO, Aimee

Suttons said...

You have inspired me to find that twine I hid in the barn and get busy with it! So many possibilities!
You always have such wonderful projects, ideas, & makeovers on your blog which just makes visiting that much more fun. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can check out all the info on my blog.