
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Numbers on baskets

Today I was looking at the shelf-room divider that RN and built, and decided I was going to add a little personal touch to the basket on there.
I love adding personal touches to the things I love and use, so today was time for a little projects.
Children napping...check
parents napping...check
dogs napping...check
See, I told you this was an ideal time for me to get some paint out.
I had this 2 samples that I got for free a year or two ago. Love these things...they have a brush built in!
So I painted the number 7  and let it dry.
Why the number 7? 
And now I am done!
Just in time for my nap...(yeah right!)
I had the basket for years, and now this built in shelf in the master doubles as my dresser.
***Click here to see our 
Master bedroom/basement remodel***
You see, those boxes on the shelf are actually just cardboard boxes I got at the store. They are very sturdy, and with some dropcloth and a a little glue gun, this are now my "drawers".

Stay Frugal,


  1. Love it the project and that you had a house full of napping people that allowed you to complete it :)

  2. Hi Daniella: I like how you updated your basket--quick and easy and pretty!

  3. You know I'm ALL ABOUT painting numbers on baskets! Such a cute addition. Your shelving unit looks great now.

  4. You know I'm ALL ABOUT painting numbers on baskets! Such a cute addition. Your shelving unit looks great now.

  5. And now it is "complete." :-) Beautiful baskets!

  6. Now how did you get everyone to nap at the same time? That shelf unit is looking pretty dang good!

  7. Love your tribute to 7 and the box idea too. I may try that for my craft stuff!

  8. Isn't it wonderful getting some undisturb time to do stuff we love to do?! The basket looks great on the shelf!

  9. Yay for naptime! I like the color of that paint on the natural basket. Very pretty :)

    xoxo, Tanya

  10. Why can't I just think up a quick and simple embellishment!? Everything I do turns into a detailed 2 day project (at least)! Your basket turned out great and I enjoyed reading about the number 7 and your cross collection too. Sweet.


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