
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chocolate Chunks Bread Pudding

As the weather is cooling off, I have been in baking and soup(ing) mood. 
During the fall, I like to make bread pudding.
It's easy, yummy and very affordable.
Today I made
Chocolate Chunks Bread Pudding

Bread (leftover bread works great)
4 T of melted butter
chocolate chunks
6 eggs
4c of milk
1 1/4c sugar
2t cinnamon
2t vanilla extract


-Cube the bread and put it in a 10x13 baking dish
-Drizzle the melted butter and add chunks of chocolate to the top
-in a bowl combine eggs, milk, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. 
-Pour over bread and let it soak at least 1 hour (in the fridge)
-Bake at 375 preheated oven for 45 minutes

Enjoy warm...

Stay Frugal,


  1. Oh yum!!! That looks so good. I wish it was here at my house for dessert after dinner tonight. Can you kindly bring some over please?? Ha! Oh, that's right. It would take you several hours wouldn't it? I may have to try this recipe. I love chocolate and love bread, so it looks like a winner! Glad you are feeling better too. I'm sorry to hear that you weren't well last week. That must've been difficult with your little ones needing you too. I always HATED to be sick with little ones! My cold may actually be allergies. Sometimes, I get a rash on my neck and chest with allergies, and I just saw that I have that today.

  2. You are absolutely killing me with this recipe! You know I am a huge fan of chocolate and I can taste the yumminess of this dish. I wish it would come off the screen though and right into my plate! I'm definitely saving this recipe. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  3. Oh, this looks AMAZING!! Can't wait to try it :)

  4. What I love most about your blog, you allow your beautiful pictures to tell just as much of the story as your words. This looks DELICIOUS. I've never made bread pudding before, nor did I realize how yummy it looks. I am inspired.

  5. Looks so yum! I love your term "souping" too. Sure is that time of year...we are expected to have flurries next Wednesday. Yikes! Time to make some of this yum yum dessert to ease the pain. :)

  6. Oh yum yum yum! I've never had bread pudding before but have always wanted to try it! I am a sucker for anything with chocolate chunks in it!

  7. oh my goodness does this sound good....going to make this for sure...

  8. Oh my! This looks fantastic! YUMM! :)


  9. Just stopping by to let you know you have been featured at One More Time... Party is up stop by and pick up your featured button and I hope you can join the party again.

  10. I've never had bread pudding so this looks like a good place to start! Pinning! Visiting from B&N...Sarah


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