
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Running for Boston

As I approach to run my first half marathon in 10 days,
yesterday's news
reminded me of how life is really just a breath.

Whatever you and I believe, 
we are all going to leave this earth at some point in time.
All of us.
Today I joined hundred and thousand of runners,
united to remember the victims of this horrible act of violence.

Today I wore all black to honor the victims, and

ran holding a black cloth.

I also wore my green running shoes.
In Italy green is the color of HOPE.

My run today was different.
I ran angry.
I ran fast.
I ran while tears were streaming down my face.
I ran with purpose.
I ran with hope for a better future, 
a better world.

I was reminded of this verse:

Romans 12:21

Do not be overcome by evil, 
but overcome evil with good.


Prayers to everyone touched by this senseless act of violence.


Linking to
Stone Gable
While Wearing Heels


  1. Love your cool pictures! Love the meaning behind this post too. I'm sure you feel a connection to this marathon more than others simply by you being a runner yourself. It's ironic that a marathon is all about health and fitness and breathing in fresh air and life, yet some of that was taken away yesterday.

  2. What an incredibly beautiful and strong post. An appropriate tribute to honor Boston. You inspired me today.

  3. Wonderful words and actions from a loving and hopeful heart!

  4. What a wonderful post, Daniela! Indeed a heartfelt tribute!

  5. Dearest Daniela,
    You are very slender but with a HUGE HEART!
    The only word I can add is: AMEN.
    Hugs to you,

  6. Awesome post, Daniela. You have a big heart.


  7. I love this post Daniela, It really touched me. Maybe because I am a runner too, maybe because I know people that were there, but it really is true that life is precious and hope is always important, especially in this world! And great photos too. Good luck in your half marathon, you will love it, it is probably the most perfect distance for a race (IMHO)!

  8. What a powerful post Daniela. The photos were awesome, so artistic, not that you intended that. But combined with your words this was just a great post. Thank you for running for Boston and sharing it here. And congrats on your running, you look like you're in fantastic shape. Keep us posted on your half marathon.
    Leslie (Gwen Moss)

  9. I love this post, and it's all because of your attitude and your verse.

  10. Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing the spirit of who you are with us. I felt like I was running beside you.

  11. stopping by from amy's linkup. such a beautiful and personal post with artistic imagery. love it and your passion for life.


  12. What a fantastic post! Wow to run a marathon in less than 4 hours. What a great way to get rid of that adrenalin and anger.

    I'm late on posting my April portrait and reading the other blog posts. Would you please check mine out too?


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