
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Debt-free life is the best life

  • A debt-free life is the best life.

    That means: living below our means. 
    Sounds too simple? Well, it is.

    Something we can do is to leave at least 10% of your monthly income alone, pretending that money does not exist. 

    For example, if you make $3,000 monthly, leave $300 alone (10 percent). 

    Pretend you make less and set up your budget based on this number. Living below your means will ensure that during hard economic times you will not be in over your head. 
    You will have the extra $300 to compensate for higher gas price, food prices and more. 

    Also very crucial is to set up 
    a budget. 
    Find a free budget spreadsheet online. 
    Once you have a budget, stick to it. 
    Having a budget helps you realize where your money goes.

    Finally, lower your debt. 
    This is by far most important. 
    Eliminating debt will increase your net worth and your income-to-debt ratio. 
    A study shows that the majority of people that have higher debt, are actually people that have a pretty good income. 
    They are the ones that are less likely to buy used cars and smaller homes, along to eating out more frequently and spending more money on "extras".

    To me, debt-free life is the best life.

    Stay Frugal,

    1. So true! We have done a lot to lower our debt and increase our income, so that seems to be helping. We really need to refinance our house and take advantage of the lower interest rates but our home value dropped with the housing melt-down, so we are waiting on that to improve too.

    2. Buona idea Daniela, pero a volte, difficile eh?
      Buon San Valentino...

    3. Dearest Daniela,
      This is the only true and old fashioned concept. If you don't have it; don't buy it. Saving for things and waiting long enough for being able to afford them only increases the joy! This is the Old World style we were raised in and luckily we've practiced this all our life.
      Hugs to you and thanks for sharing such great lifestyle tips!

    4. When my husband and I set our financial goals for 2013, one of our goals was to get out of credit card debt. That would leave us student loans, two car loans and a mortgage. One day we'll get there (fingers crossed!), but we are rejoicing in small advances. :)

      Thanks for the money-related posts. They're always a motivating read.

    5. I couldn't agree more. The only "Debt" I have is my mortgage payment. I don't count that, since I'd have to pay rent somewhere. At least I'm building equity. I drive an old car, shop thrift stores, and don't go on vacation. I eat out only occasionally. But, today, I'm celebrating 10 years of home ownership! And my home has about doubled in value since I bought it. I live in a one income home - mine. And I work at a church. If I can do it, anyone can do it!

    6. Great post! I'm working on it. :-)

    7. Excellent tips, Daniela! I found out that the easiest way for us to save that 10% of our monthly income was by setting up a direct deposit to a savings account. We don't touch it, it goes straigth there!

    8. Thanks a lot for sharing this post. In a struggling economy, many are stuck in debt looking for a way out. You offer good tips and advice that those facing financial difficulties can and should utilize. It's equally important that those stuck in debt know that there are options available to climb out of debt. For example, you can sell you structured settlement for cash and apply that cash to payments you owe.

    9. This is definitely a must-read article! Being debt-free is indeed the best life we could ever have. Who doesn't want to have a good sleep every night and a savings account for your retirement? I know we all do, and all this will only be possible when we become responsible in spending our money. >Allan Morais< @

    10. I consider those who are living debt-free extremely lucky. For one, they might be living below their means but they are powerful. Having full control over your finances is one of the toughest tasks an adult faces on a daily basis. And to say, and actually pretend, that 10% of your income doesn't exist and other more debt-free habits this easy can be dizzying for most people. Jaden@Irving A. Burton Limited


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