
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bedroom makeover $1

This bedroom is the ONLY room in our house that has been left pretty much untouched since we moved in six years's time for a makeover!
When RN and I got married, there were only the two of us. Bought a house, and within the year we had already double occupancy...the two of us and two dogs.
Then within six years we are now a family of 5+2 (five people + two dogs).
We have been switching around rooms, to make the most of our home square footage, and now it is time for the two girls to move in this room that has been used as junk room, guest room, office, nursery...I think that's all!
In this way I can move the boy in the smaller room...all by himself!
This bedroom is going to become a princess room. 
The walls have been painted grey, while the bottom paneling has been filled in with non shrink "filler" and I am in the process of covering it up with beadboard wallpaper.
The goal was to give this bedroom a new look on a small budget.
The paint is called Stonehedge Greige, and was $1 for a quart at the ReStore. The beadboard wallpaper was leftover from our master bathroom project, so I already had the materials for this as well.
some of the fabrics that will be used in the final makeover

So far, total spent $1

Not bad, not bad 
More to come on the final room makeover.
So far so good!

Stay Frugal,

Linking to
The Grant Life


  1. I can't wait to see the reveal, well done!!

  2. Well I wished I lived near you so I could help you with this because I've never gotten a chance to decorate a girl's room before. How fun! I love the beadboard wallpaper you're going to use and of course the color pink! Your girls are going to LOVE having their very own princess room!

  3. I love ReStore. What a great deal on paint. I hadn't ever thought of filling in the grooved paneling with filler. What a brilliant idea. I can't wait to see this room transformed to a room fit for a princess (or 2).

  4. Hmm, I've got a paneling wall that I thought I might paint, but never thought to fill the lines, maybe I'll try that. Can't wait to see the princess room!

  5. Hello Daniela, It's going to be fun to see the girls finished room...I have two daughters, of course much, much older than your little girls and I remember decorating their room with pink and they loved it. When we were young we didn't have a lot of spare money, so I decorated their walls with embroidered pictures I had made and hung some of their fluffy toys on the wall aswell. They loved it. Enjoy your day. Best Wishes Daphne

  6. You have definitely made the most out of that $1! You're off to a fantastic start. I know the princess room will be well loved. :-)

  7. Dearest Daniela,
    Very clever to fill the paneling and for using beadboard wallpaper!


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